Donna & Angus’s Wedding@1881 Hullett House

I’ve realized lately that newlyweds prefer half day or simpler weddings maybe because its more comfortable and relaxing for them, and it wouldn’t take up too much time. It seems like this kind of trend has been going on lately and this was what Donna and Angus chose as well.

The wedding was held at 1881 Hullett house, a former Marine Police Headquarters Compound and also one of the four oldest government buildings in Hong Kong. The building itself exudes history and character, so there was no need for more complex decorations but just simple DIY items that complement the atmosphere just right.

Donna and Angus decided to have an intimate wedding, inviting only their very close family and friends. Despite it being a simple and small one, it still touched the hearts of everyone especially when Angus talked about his relationship with Donna, about how they met and how they kept their relationship going strong.

This was one of my favorites weddings, and I felt like there was no need for big shows or extravagant settings because it’s always the little things that count. At the end of the day, all that matters is the love and memories created.

Wedding ceremony & reception: 1881 Hullett House


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