Shirla . Louis – A Cold But Warm Pre-Wedding

Shirla and Louis’s pre-wedding shoot was quite unforgettable for me for two reasons. Firstly, the shoot took place in December, and the temperature was only 9 degrees that day! Under these cold conditions, I believe the bride must be shivering under her dress as her gown is quite thin and the shoot took place outdoors, making it quite difficult to take pictures that convey a warm and comfortable feeling.

However, we are also greatly fortunate as despite the cold, the sun shone gloriously that day! The entire day, from day time to sun set, we were able to capture many beautiful pictures because of the lovely lighting!

I always prefer to utilize the available lighting at the location, and sometimes I also make use of light reflectors. I am a firm believer that flash is not always necessary to create lighting, as the light may be so harsh that it is uncomfortable to the eye when we look at the pictures. I want my pictures to convey a warm, comfortable feeling that is vibe you want to create when taking wedding photographs, therefore natural lighting can easily help me achieve this effect.

More importantly, throughout the pre-wedding shoot, Shirla and Louise had a great time and enjoyed the whole process, which I think is one of most important things at a photoshoot.

Shooting location: Central, Quinary Barwaterfront park cyberport


  • April 26, 2014 - 6:28 pm

    Ivan Syah - nice job

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