Genevieve . Jony’s Pre-wedding – Two Brides and A Groom?

Genevieve and Jony requested a simple pre-wedding shoot to be conducted at a place with endless, green fields as they were big fans of the beauty of mother nature. But there was a special guest participating in their shoot – their beloved pet Miumiu! As Genevieve and Jony were animal-lovers, they decided to dress Miumiu up and include her in the shoot! She even wore a little gown to match the bride, isn’t it adorable?

Location-wise, there wasn’t a lot of choices as not many parks in Hong Kong allowed pets. In the end, we decided on Penfold Park which not only had beautiful greenery but permitted pets as well.

Taking pictures of pets is tricky like taking pictures of children because they are very energetic and will never stay still! Therefore you really need to concentrate and be ready to capture the right moment. Also, the photoshoot cannot last a very long time as animals lose interest very quickly, and we finished the whole process in about an hour.

If you’re interested in having your beloved pets be a part of your pictures, some words of advice would be to bring along their favourite toys to attract their attention, and reward them with their favourite treats whenever they perform special acts. Of course, don’t forget to have fun dressing them up!

Shooting location: Penfold Park, Victoria Peak Garden山頂花園, Parker Road Tram Station

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