Mandy & Alex – A casual wear pre-wedding shot

After a peak session of wedding session, I am now having more pre-wedding job after April.

Most clients will have wedding in the fall and get their wedding photos taken before the hot and melting summer. So there are more pre-wedding engagements in April and May. Mandy and Alex picked where we often take photos – Cyberport and the University of Hong Kong. However, same venue doesn’t turn up same photos as photographer can take photos in different angle. I keep on exploring and try taking photos with a different perspective.

Mandy and Alex not only took pre-wedding photos in formal wedding attire but also in casual wear. I usually suggest clients taking some pre-wedding photos in casual wear as it is more comfortable and more like what one always wear. Usually people are more relaxing when they wear what they always do, and that I capture photos of one’s natural life.


I also prepared a “making of” for the pre-wedding photo session, which recorded what happened on the pre-wedding. I also shared Mandy and Alex making of…Don’t miss that!

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