What Client Says

Yiu & Ben

We selected Patrick as our pre-wedding photographer by searching from internet because we saw his wedding photos were unique and eye catching for us as our first impression.

Patrick did a great research before we went Kyoto to have the photo taking. We were very comfortable to let him arrange all the things. He was well planned before going ahead and so the whole process was definitely smooth. Kyoto was rainy and cold in November and Patrick was so attentive to our feeling of cold but not just focused on the photos. It was very important and valuable to a wedding photographer who showed his superior to others. Of course, the quality of the photos was perfect and we loved them much. It was a mixture of art, reality and simplicity. We like the real reflection and don’t lie the excessive “fake” photoshop. This is what Patrick can give us. We showed our favourite to Patrick’s style photography by inviting him to be our Big Day photographer again. Effectiveness and sense of beauty is no big deal for Patrick. He was not only to take his own photos but also arrange all the things according to our time schedule that day. It is highly appreciated. Again, I would like to thank him to capture the “real” greatest moments for our memory.



We were planning a trip to Hong Kong to register our marriage and shoot a prewed so we were looking for a photographer . We checked out Patrick’s website and we liked his work, so we sent him an email. Every question got answered promptly so booking was quick and easy. In Hong Kong, Patrick came to our hotel and not only he gave us recommendations on the best spots for the photo shooting, but he even checked the weather for us and recommended the best day !

On the shooting day, Patrick and his assistant even came to be our witnesses (which we requested, and they happily complied). From the make-up, renting of the dress and tuxedo, transportation, everything went so smoothly. We were going to shoot night pictures at the Avenue of the Stars, and on the way there Patrick and his team even went the distance and offered a quick, extra shooting at the Peninsula hotel, a favorite spot which is nearby. They really made us feel like it’s the most important day in our lives, and you can feel their enthusiasm. It was not just a day at work for them. We simply could not have found a better photographer and team, and I promise you, you will not regret choosing Patrick and his team for your special occasion. The pictures look amazing and just as what we were hoping for. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant !



First of all, a big big thanks to Patrick and his professional crew with our pre-wedding as well as on our big day! It was a pleasant meeting when we first met Patrick at his studio, and we were so impressed with his work and we could deeply feel his passionate on wedding photography. When I told Patrick our thought on picking the pre-wedding photo venue, he was so helpful to help us arrange, and he could understand our expectation and perfectly captured the mood we were looking for which was really amazing.

With so much to plan and worry about when approaching our big day, the experience we had during pre-wedding gave us lots of faith and confidence with Patrick and his team. It was a tight schedule as we had a luncheon, with lots of photo-takings with many friends, colleagues and relatives, and we were glad with their big help. It was a very pleasure and memorable experience from the guests as well. The wonderful experience did not end even when we were on our way to honeymoon and Patrick was so kind to have posted some of his great works on his site for our preview the next day, which was a very pleasant surprise and a perfect highlight. Thank you so much Patrick for making our journey very memorable, and looking forward to keep seeing your many great works!

Cheers, Pamela & Nelson



Dear Patrick and his crew,

Thank you for joining our day and be our photographer. Preparation of wedding is more challenging than we imagined, especially we rescheduled our wedding just a few weeks before the original day. It was a sad moment. Patrick was very considerate when we told him so and unexpectedly, he was the one who told us not to worry about the day and ask us to settle down first. Patrick respected his client, and not just think about their money.

Hiring Patrick is a worry-free decision, he is willing to spend time with us to hear what we want our wedding to be, and give us advice on how to budget the time. On that day, Patrick and his crew arrived on time. When the driver got to wrong way on his way to Cotton Drive, Patrick instructed him of the right route. Otherwise, we properly will be late and more stressful.

We both are not models, but Patrick is very professional, he never push us to post a lot but to capture our natural moment. Taking photos with Patrick is very comfortable and relax. His crew assisted us a lot and did not interrupt our schedule and the ceremony. All of them worked very effectively that all guests can take photos smoothly. The wedding was smoother than we expected, it was happier than we expected.

The sameday slideshow is very great, we have lots of accomplishment from guests, Patrick and his crew had a busy day and a short lunch and dinner time. We definitely recommended Patrick to others, if one don’t want a photographer blocked your guests’ sight during the wedding ceremony, if one want a relaxing wedding day and their OWN wedding day, if one want photos which one will enjoy so much after years, do get into go to his blog and have a look.

感謝Patrick擔任我們的婚禮攝影師,籌備婚禮的挑戰遠比我們想像的大,尤其在結婚幾個星期前家中的白事,更令我們 非常悲傷不已,亦對籌備婚禮一事有很大的壓力。當我們告訴 Patrick我們的婚禮需要改期,Patrick不是跟我們談附加費談改期,而是叫我們先安頓下來,告訴我們不用擔心。在這個悲傷的時刻, 我們感到Patrick是真誠對待他的客戶。

請Patrick讓我們無後顧之憂,他願意花時間來聆聽我們的要求,我們還談及我們希望自己的婚禮是什麼樣子,在 rundown方面,Patrick亦在給我們不少意見。結婚當日, Patrick and his crew準時到達,當花車司機途中走錯了路,Patrick 亦很快指示他到正確的路線。否則,我們恐怕會遲到。
我們都沒有的模特兒的面 孔,更沒有的模特兒的身型,但Patrick 非常專業,他總是捕捉了我們自然的一面,更沒有要我們擺一些不自然的姿勢 。Patrick讓我們非常舒適和輕鬆地拍照。 Patrick and his crew非常有禮,他們沒有 干擾我們的日程安排和結婚儀式,他們的工作非常有效,使所有客人都能夠順利拍照,很多朋友都說他們難得有很多拍照的機會 。我們亦非常滿意Same day slideshow。

我們建議你如果不想攝影師在婚禮上 阻礙賓客的視線,你如果不想攝影師要你擺 chok post,如果你想要輕鬆的一天,如果你想要自己的婚禮,如果你想你結婚當日的照片令你在十年後都可以有如置身當日,到 Patrick的 blog看看,他應該是你的 婚禮攝影師 。

With thanks and best wishes,
Gigi & Patrick





We would like to say a big thank you to Patrick and his crew for their professional attitude, patience, efficiency, and of course their wonderful photos!

Patrick was the wedding photograher of one of my old friends Lucosa and her album is where we first seen Patrick’s amazing work.

We didn’t set a high expectation on our own wedding photos as the weather was bad on our big day and the banquet wasn’t held at a luxury hotel. The photos end up surprised us a lot that the venue looks so grand and everyone look so natural and beautiful in the photos! It’s indeed a miracle and all my relatives are so excited when seeing the photos! What’s more? We’ve got 17 retouched wonderful photos the day after our wedding! This is unbelievably efficient!

Besides, all of us (our relatives and ourselves) are so impressed by the patience of Patrick and his crew. You can imagine how the situation was like when 40+ relatives with young kids taking a photo together plus many iphones waiting for them, Patrick’s crew was so kind to arrange everything with patience and SMILE! This is highly appreciated.

Once again, thank you so much for your help and wish you all the best in the future!




“I really want to express my gratitude to Patrick and his team for taking so many wonderful photos for my wedding day. Patrick was very helpful throughout the process and gave us a lot of useful advice.

On top of the quality of end products, the process is also very important for me. Before I met Patrick, I actually also talked with other photographers. However, what I felt was that they were trying to extract as much money from me as possible and did not understand what I needed. After I met with Patrick and reviewed his albums, I decided to invite him to help us. Unlike other photographers, Patrick is not hard sell and only recommended package which fitted our needs. He is also able to capture the most beautiful and natural moments in his photos.

It was an excellent experience to work with Patrick and his crew. Hoping that all bride-to-be can also enjoy their wedding preparation and capture the nicest moments for their big days!”




My wedding was in March and we were really happy to have Patrick Law and his crew to help us on our day.  We received the CD from them one month after the wedding and we really like the photos. The mood was pecfect and they have simply captured of nicest moments of the two days.

The attitude of the crew was also very professional. They are willing to listen to our brief and communicate their thoughts and help us to be at ease in this anxiety-filled day. And best of all, they have this can-do spirit. We wanted to take some pre-wedding photos on the first of our two days in the very last minute and we requested their help. They said yes willingly without charging us an extra cent….

Thank you so much, Patrick and crew! We had a wonderful time being your models!




When my husband and I were looking for a wedding day photographer, we spent many days looking through the works of different photographers in Hong Kong. Since my husband used to a photographer in Taiwan and U.S.A., he obviously has really high expectations for works of the photographers. Ultimately, we decided on Patrick Law because his pictures seemed to take us to the event, and through the pictures, we can sense the emotions of the people in the pictures.

Luckily, Patrick was free on our wedding day. It’s a pleasure working with Patrick and his crew because they were professional and didn’t interfere at all with the wedding. Instead of the video highlight, we decided to have the photo slideshow highlight – which really turned out way beyond our expectations. The best part is that I got to select the song and Patrick did an amazing job pulling the slideshow together. I’m still hearing positive comments from family and friends about the highlight slideshow.






而最令我興奮便是Patrick的相簿及video,那本相簿美得令我驚訝,而我媽媽更不停地拿著相簿向親朋戚友炫耀呢! 而Video更加巧合,Patrick竟然選了一首我本來想用來作婚禮主題曲的歌曲作為Video主題曲,那時我一看,真的開心得哭了出來。總括而然,Patrick Photography無論那一個方位都令我滿意得不得了。




I have no reason and no excuse for not expressing my great experience with Patrick. Like all of the Brides, I searched many of photographers for my pre-wedding and wedding day photo shot, and eventually, I pick Patrick Photography.

I looked for a photographer who captures the most natural side of us, the happiest & memorable moments of us. And I believe a good photographer who would spend time on understanding my expectation, and to communicate & be aware of my feeling and point of view.  Finally I pick Patrick photography because he is the one who fulfill all my expectations.

Patrick gave me advices, like he advised me how to arrange the program to make a good use of the time; offered options of locations for photo shooting; reminded me how to make good & nice poses, nice posture and facial expression, Patrick also made good use of the lighting, with or without sunshine…

Thank you Patrick, & you really took amazing photos for us & we love the photos very much!!!




其實我同老公早一年前己經搵左 Patrick 啦, 因為我倆都吾係鍾意將d 0野左揀右揀既人, 都係透過呢度知道佢啦, 睇左佢d job ref 感覺好好, 所以諗都吾諗就同佢 confirm 左. 之後當然就開始忙住整其他0野啦, 直到差吾多到大日子先再搵返 Patrick 夾0野. (of coz 當時己經吾記得左諗佢會點影d相 lor, 第一就係揀左就要對人地有信心 ma, 第二, 我覺得攝影始終都係藝術性既行業, 所以我都對佢地既出品表示尊重~

好快就到左結婚果日啦, 相信每個結左婚既人都知自己果日其實就好似隻公仔咁, 任人舞~ 當然我都係, 所以都吾係好知自己做緊d 咩 lor…
不過 Patrick 同佢d team-mate 真係好好, 因為我個心好容易有事, 每逢熱d 呀, 企得耐呀, 都會覺得好累. 但攝影師們都好包容, 其實佢地仲辛苦過我啦! 我係0係百大尼行禮, 半島擺酒, 係酒席期間原來係有個 Daytime photo hightlight 會播的~~~ 我好 Supprise ar, 因為我根本吾記得自己買左邊個 Package 同包d 咩… :p (Sorry Patrick…)
但係果個 slide 呢, 真係正到暈左, 個個 guest 都係咁讚呀 (Patrick 你吾知呢…) 因為d 相除左影到靚0既0野之外, 真係好影到果個 feelings 出0黎呀, 我個攝影師朋友都係咁讚~

最後, 真係非常感謝 Patrick and team 既大力幫忙呀, 非常期待你們為我倆預備的相簿誔生~~ Thx a lot!




首先真係好感激Patrick幫我地影咗一輯好靚ge相, 唔單止我個人意見, 我意大利husband, 我地ge家人同朋友都讚不絕口, 我唔o係誇張ga, 我o地o係法國舉行wedding party, 連法國攝影師睇完Patrick影ge相都大讚他professional, 當地ge婚禮統籌更提意把隻DVD (photo slideshow) 播放o係party上比guest欣賞, 好多 guest 睇完之後走埋嚟同我講d相影得非常靚, 當時我覺得係Patrick令身為香港人ge我感到光榮同自豪, 因為一直被外界認為高傲ge法國人都開口讚賞實在是不容易.


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