What a great compliment!

I’ve just got the compliment letter from Gigi & Patrick! May blessings fill your married life.

Dear Patrick and his crew,

Thank you for joining our day and be our photographer. Preparation of wedding is more challenging than we imagined, especially we rescheduled our wedding just a few weeks before the original day. It was a sad moment. Patrick was very considerate when we told him so and unexpectedly, he was the one who told us not to worry about the day and ask us to settle down first. Patrick respected his client, and not just think about their money.

Hiring Patrick is a worry-free decision, he is willing to spend time with us to hear what we want our wedding to be, and give us advice on how to budget the time. On that day, Patrick and his crew arrived on time. When the driver got to wrong way on his way to Cotton Drive, Patrick instructed him of the right route. Otherwise, we properly will be late and more stressful.

We both are not models, but Patrick is very professional, he never push us to post a lot but to capture our natural moment. Taking photos with Patrick is very comfortable and relax. His crew assisted us a lot and did not interrupt our schedule and the ceremony. All of them worked very effectively that all guests can take photos smoothly. The wedding was smoother than we expected, it was happier than we expected.

The sameday slideshow is very great, we have lots of accomplishment from guests, Patrick and his crew had a busy day and a short lunch and dinner time. We definitely recommended Patrick to others, if one don’t want a photographer blocked your guests’ sight during the wedding ceremony, if one want a relaxing wedding day and their OWN wedding day, if one want photos which one will enjoy so much after years, do get into go to his blog and have a look.

感謝Patrick擔任我們的婚禮攝影師,籌備婚禮的挑戰遠比我們想像的大,尤其在結婚幾個星期前家中的白事,更令我們 非常悲傷不已,亦對籌備婚禮一事有很大的壓力。當我們告訴 Patrick我們的婚禮需要改期,Patrick不是跟我們談附加費談改期,而是叫我們先安頓下來,告訴我們不用擔心。在這個悲傷的時刻, 我們感到Patrick是真誠對待他的客戶。

請Patrick讓我們無後顧之憂,他願意花時間來聆聽我們的要求,我們還談 及我們希望自己的婚禮是什麼樣子,在 rundown方面,Patrick亦在給我們不少意見。結婚當日,Patrick and his crew準時到達,當花車司機途中走錯了路,Patrick 亦很快指示他到正確的路線。否則,我們恐怕會遲到。

我們都沒有的模特兒的面 孔,更沒有的模特兒的身型,但Patrick 非常專業,他總是捕捉了我們自然的一面,更沒有要我們擺一些不自然的姿勢 。Patrick讓我們非常舒適和輕鬆地拍照。 Patrick and his crew非常有禮,他們沒有干擾我們的日程安排和結婚儀式,他們的工作非常有效,使所有客人都能夠順利拍照,很多朋友都說他們難得有很多拍照的機會 。我們亦非常滿意Same day slideshow。

我們建議你如果不想攝影師在婚禮上 阻礙賓客的視線,你如果不想攝影師要你擺 chok post,如果你想要輕鬆的一天,如果你想要自己的婚禮,如果你想你結婚當日的照片令你在十年後都可以有如置身當日,到 Patrick的 blog看看,他應該是你的 婚禮攝影師 。

With thanks and best wishes,

Gigi & Patrick


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